Revolution in the Sky: Drik Calendar 2025
It’s a victory tinged with sadness. A freedom drenched with blood. A triumph dulled with immeasurable loss. The pride of knowing Md. Abu Sayed was one of us. The euphoria of knowing Hasina has truly left. The comfort from knowing one will probably not be picked up in the middle of the night is offset by the photos, the videos and the unending painful accounts of young lives lost needlessly, tragically, ruthlessly. The mother’s heart-wrenching cry, the lover’s quiet longing, the child’s empty stare, are the price the nation has had to pay.
Who protected the tyrant when we rose in protest, or paid for the fancy weapons that were turned against us and the Pegasus spyware that robbed us of our personal lives? They learnt from the Indian forces in Kashmir, from Israel. We learnt from Gaza, from Palestine.
An unprecedented blossoming of creativity sprung from this revolution. Graffiti, poems, songs and slogans replaced the propaganda and leering images of ruling party politicians. Years of pent-up anger also led to retribution but students, the interim government and complete strangers rallied round and protected the vulnerable. Students policed in the absence of police. Ordinary citizens provided shelter, food and encouragement. She left. People rejoiced. The army put away their guns, children gave them flowers. Loved by the public but much vilified by the regime, Bangladesh’s Nobel Laureate, Professor Muhammad Yunus, returned to take over the helm of this fragile government. His cabinet, the most highly educated this nation has ever had, also took on two student coordinators. Days after being detained and tortured, they are now part of the government.
Amir Aziz’s powerful poem “Everything Will be Remembered” became our anthem. We did indeed write ‘justice’ on the walls and beckoned in the “Revolution in the Sky.”
Shahidul Alam
6 September 2024
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