Drik Images
Drik Images is the leading photo agency in South Asia.
We have a unique and growing collection of images from all over the world, spanning over 200,000 images in total: ranging from historical photographs of the 1971 war of liberation in Bangladesh to early 20th-century glass plates, to large format architectural photographs and high-resolution digital images.
The library is as much an archive, as a source of stock images that are updated with new work on a daily basis.
Drik Picture Library was established in response to the stereotyped portrayals of our world by the western media and functions as a platform for media practitioners in the global south. It attracts all levels of visual storytellers, from the professional award-winning veteran to the enthusiastic beginner in the world of photography; united by a passion to deliver high-quality, impactful images.
- Licensing of stock photos for editorial and advertising use
- Sale of Fine Art prints
- Photo consultancy and digitalization of services
- Research material and support
For more details please visit our online image bank http://drikimages.com/
The Team:
Parvez Ahmad
Sultan Mahmud Mukut
Land Phone: +880-2-8141817
Email: drikimages@drik.net