PAPA Lab Dhaka @ Drik
Date: 13-27 September 2014
OXFAM/NOVIB invited PAPA(Participating Artists Press Agency) to do a PAPA Lab in Dhaka with a mix of photographers of DRIK and officers working in OXFAM/NOVIB and the partner organisation YPSA. PAPA’s method of reading the street in shared photo-walks gives an insight in the Tactics of Life in Dhaka.
The PAPA Lab will lead to a PAPA Critical City Guide (CCG), a document that will be used as a starting point for a co-creation workshop in Dhaka in October 2014. The co-creation Workshop will be given by Butterfly Works. The co-creation workshop’s aim is to develop ideas for projects for the urban youth in several cities in South East Asia.
Participants are Adnan Wahid, Habibul Haque, Tapash Paul from DRIK, Arifur Rahman, Abdus Sabur from YPSA and Sumana Tanchangya, Dhana Ranjan Tripura from OXFAM NOVIB. (Collected from www.papaplatform.com)